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Is JobLeads Legit?

Is JobLeads legit? Short answer: yes. Long answer: yes, and you have no idea how much it can change your career. Let me walk you through our JobLeads’ prime service.

What is JobLeads?

JobLeads is a job portal that is exclusively focused on the high-end job market. We curate job offers scattered throughout the web to match our users’ high expectations. You get exclusive access to job offers, among them; executives, directors, vice presidents, doctors, lawyers, engineers, and many other highly qualified jobs. We ensure that we only present you the crème de la crème of the job market every day.

Source: JobLeads

How much are you worth?

Thanks to JobLeads’ in-depth job market analysis, we attribute a benchmark to each job to help you accurately estimate the true value of your skills and talent. A marketing manager in Seattle, Washington? The market value is between $100.000 and $125.000 per year. A controller in Toronto, Ontario? The salary estimation would be between $80.000 and $100.000 per year. HR director in Melbourne, Australia? The market value ranks from $150.000 to $200.000 a year.

Where does JobLeads get their salary data?

For each country, our content team spends hours every day researching data on each and every job title. They are then ranked according to their seniority, industry, and their location. Of course, the benchmark is an indication of how much you can expect to earn for a given position. The exact salary depends on your ability to negotiate the salary and, of course, the budget of the company for this position.

salary jobleads
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

What jobs do you find on JobLeads?

Our primary focus is senior-level jobs for seasoned executives with high levels of experience. However, we curate the content that we have based on the estimated salary for a specific position. At the time of writing, we only publish jobs starting from £40.000 a year in United Kingdom. To make the cut, a job must be paid at least €50.000 a year in Ireland. On the one hand, a senior accountant might end up being excluded from our database if their salary is too low. On the other hand, a junior developer with ruby skills, which are very much in demand, might be included, despite their lack of experience. Last but not least, on specific days you can also attend our IT Jobmesse and find your dream job there.

The Headhunter Network

JobLeads is so much more than a regular job-board. With your subscription to our service, you are granted access to thousands of headhunters worldwide. Why are headhunters so much of an asset in your career? They have access to a much larger amount of jobs than anyone else. The jobs you can find online are only the tip of the iceberg. Headhunters know about new job offers way before they are even available online. Headhunters already have in mind potential candidates that can be good matches. Contacting headhunters that specialize in your industry is invaluable when speeding up career progression.

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Why do I have to pay to join JobLeads?

What? Job seekers who pay to have access to job offers? What is that all about?

Granted, it is an unusual business model. Should companies not be the ones that pay to publish their job offers? JobLeads takes a different look on the job market. Since we collect and curate ALL job offers across the world, we have some of the rarest jobs that you would probably never find on your own.

Furthermore, your subscription grants you access to thousands of headhunters in our database, that you would not find anywhere else. You can build up a network that matches your career expectations in record time!

Jazz up your CV with JobLeads!

Upon signing up with JobLeads, you also get the opportunity to revamp your résumé. In cooperation with one of our partners, experts in CVs and recruiting processes, you will get the unique opportunity to find out how your CV stands up. From basic information to the ability to pass ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) screenings, your résumé will be put to the test. No matter what the results are, there is always room for improvement, and we will help you bridge the gap.

What can JobLeads do for me?

  • All senior-level jobs worldwide in one place
  • New job offers updated daily
  • Access to headhunters
  • Insights into salaries and benchmarks
  • CV review and analysis

About the author

Passionate about the international HR industry, I have worked at JobLeads as a content manager since 2017. My interests include online marketing, product design, and localization.